In 1993 the Navarrese rescue dog group was founded. Its aim is to help rescuing lost or trapped people in the mountains. With our trained dogs we are available 24 hours a day throughout the year. Once the necessities are evaluated the SOS Navarra coordinator requires our intervention. The average number of interventions is about 20 a year. We have never failed any of these calls.

The teams, members of the dog rescue group of Navarra, work on a daily bases due to the work's implicit difficulty and also to the great importance of keeping the physical and mental state of the animals in good conditions.The group gathers twice a week to check the equipment and to coordinate the duties. The first aim is to develop a good guide-dog relationship.To obtain a quality work there are 2 things needed: motivation of both components and application of adequate techniques. The group members invest a lot of their free time in improving their work.

To be able to do a good quality work the team is equipped with two 4-wheel drive vehicles with enough room to transport the required material for the rescue (the private vehicles of the members are also available) A specially laid out circuit allows the dogs to get used to swiveling terrains and to following orders. It is equipped with a device for detecting people under building ruins through sound. Vehicles with provision for a constant air temperature guarantee the dog's good physical condition for the work. To all this it should be added the personal equipment of each guide such as: clothes, communication means, climbing material, GPS, etc. 

The dynamics of the group's preparation is continuous, working on diverse aspects of the training through courses: on dog behavior (in rescuing mainly); on first aid and vet knowledge; on rescue related vertical displacement; on accustoming to different jeans of transport, especially helicopter as well studies of wind dynamics, wrecked surfaces and the application of technology in the rescue and so on. Alter all said, it is evident the importance we give to the complete training and technique of the teams.  

Tlf. 659 159 724 - Dirección Muitz z/p C.P 31869 Itsaso ( Navarra ) - Email